Who killed Matthew Perry?: Arrest, probe reveal a sinister network of friends turned foes
Photo: @MatthewPerry/X

Who killed Matthew Perry?: Arrest, probe reveal a sinister network of friends turned foes

Probe into FRIENDS actor's death reveals sinister network of close associates who allegedly supplied and administered him ketamine, which led to his death

Fresh arrests in homicide investigations into the death of FRIENDS star Matthew Perry have brought to the fore shocking details and a sinister game of deception that is no less than the script of a film. Among the five people arrested in the actor’s death, at least two had injected him with high doses of the deadly drug ketamine, despite being aware of its fatal consequences, prosecutors have told the court.

Ketamine overdose caused actor’s death

Perry, fondly known among fans worldwide for his onscreen character ‘Chandler’, was found dead in a hot tub at his Los Angeles residence on October 28, 2023. He was 54. It was later found that he had died due to an overdose of ketamine, a dissociative anaesthetic which is also used in treatment of depression and pain management.

Among the five arrested people are Perry’s personal assistant, Kenneth Iwamasa, two doctors Dr Salvador Plasencia and Dr Mark Chavez, and an alleged drug dealer known by the moniker ‘Ketamine’ Queen.

When assistant turned assassin

According to prosecutors, Perry, who was struggling with depression and addiction, was prescribed ketamine in strict dosage by his doctors. He, however, wanted more which was denied by the doctors due to the risks involved. It was then that he tried procuring the drug through other channels.

His live-in assistant, Iwamasa, who was supposed to care for Perry, helped him get access to the drug.

Investigations reveal that Iwamasa had allegedly administered several shots of ketamine to Perry the day he died. He was apparently aware of the dangerous consequences of the drug, but went ahead anyway.

Court documents said he had no medical training and “knew little, if anything” about administering controlled substances.

He is said to have received ketamine from Erik Fleming, who has admitted (and pleaded guilty) to getting ketamine from Jasveen Sangha aka the Ketamine Queen and supply them to Iwamasa. Fleming has told the court that he handed over around 50 vials of ketamine to Iwamasa including 25 over a span of four days preceding Perry’s death. In these four days, Iwamasa is said to have administered over 20 shots of ketamine including three on the day the actor died.

According to the US Department of Justice, the assistant has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute ketamine causing death.

‘Killer’ doctors

Prosecutors have alleged how the two doctors, Dr Plasencia and Dr Chavez, went against the ideals of their profession and acted as drug mules in Perry’s death. The court was informed that Dr Plasencia, who had also supplied ketamine to the actor, was only concerned about milking Perry and had even called him a “moron”.

US Attorney Ian V Yanniello said when Perry was desperate for ketamine and was looking for it both from street and elite dealers, Dr Plasencia literally acted “as a street corner drug dealer”. According to Martin Estrada, the US attorney for California’s Central District, in one text Dr Plasencia wrote that he wanted to be Perry’s “go-to for drugs”.

In another message he wrote, “I wonder how much this moron will pay?”

He allegedly took $2,000 from Perry for vials that actually cost $12 a unit.

“These defendants cared more about profiting off of Mr Perry than caring for his well-being,” Estrada said.

The prosecutors said the actor allegedly bought 20 vials of ketamine from Dr Plasencia for a total of $55,000 in cash between September and October 2023.

Doctor gave drug despite dangers

They alleged that Dr Plasencia despite knowing that “Perry’s ketamine addiction was spiralling out of control” taught Iwamasa how to administer him the drug through injections.

It has also been alleged that the doctor continued providing more ketamine to the actor even though he had seen Perry once “freeze up” while being administered the drug.

Authorities said on October 10, Dr Plasencia, who had bought 10 vials of ketamine from Dr Chavez, had met Perry and Iwamasa in a public parking lot and injected the actor with the drug inside a vehicle.

Two days later, he had administered another large dose to the doctor. It was here that Perry had frozen up with his blood pressure witnessing a substantial spike. Even though Dr Plasencia told Iwamasa, “Let’s not do that again”, he left additional vials at Perry’s home, prosecutors said.

Dr Chavez, a San Diego-based physician has also pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute ketamine to the actor. He allegedly supplied ketamine to Dr Plasencia after buying it from a wholesale distributor by showing forged prescriptions.

Who is Ketamine Queen aka Jasveen Sangha?

The conspiracy has also brought to light the role of Jasveen Sangha or Ketamine Queen, a drug trafficker, in Perry’s death. Prosecutors say it was the ketamine provided by her – on October 28, 2023 – that delivered the final blow to Perry leading to his death.

Sangha, 41, has been accused of selling 50 vials of ketamine to the actor at $11,000.

During raids at her North Hollywood house, over 80 vials of ketamine along with pills that included methamphetamine, cocaine and Xanax were reportedly found.

Estrada told the court that her home was operating as a “drug-selling emporium”.

The indictment, which termed her home as the “Sangha Stash House” said Sangha “only deal[s] with high end and celebs.”

Prosecutors said Sangha was well aware that the ketamine she was distributing to Perry and other clients could be deadly.

Authorities said that Sangha was also involved in another death related to ketamine overdose in 2019 – it was a customer named Cody McLaury. Following his death, a family member of McLaury had texted Sangha saying: “The ketamine you sold my brother killed him. It’s listed as the cause of death”.

Days later Sangha had Googled: “Can ketamine be listed as a cause of death?”, investigators said.

Besides Perry’s case, Sangha will also be charged for the death of McLaury.

The drug dealer has been charged with one count of conspiracy to distribute ketamine, maintaining drug-involved premises, possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine, possession with intent to distribute ketamine and distribution of ketamine.

Attempts at covering tracks

Investigators have also revealed how the people accused of supplying ketamine to Perry tried to cover their tracks after his death.

The accused reportedly used the code words of ‘Dr Pepper’, ‘bots’ and ‘cans’ for ketamine.

After Perry’s death, Sangha allegedly sent a message to another suspect telling him to “delete all our messages”.

Fleming too allegedly sent a message to Sangha in an alleged bid to save their skin.

“Please call…Got more info and want to bounce ideas off you. I’m 90% sure everyone is protected. I never dealt with [Perry] only his assistant. So the assistant was the enabler,” the message said, as per court documents.

Fleming is also said to have asked Sangha whether ketamine stays “in your system or is it immediately flushed out”.

Prosecutors said, after Perry’s death, Dr Plasencia falsified medical records to give the impression that the drugs given to the actor were legitimate.

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