Official death toll: 199

Official data provided by the Department of Information and Public Relations (PRD) Control Room as of 12:40 PM, Friday (August 2).
Officially confirmed deaths: 199
Men: 89
Women: 82
Children: 28
Number of identified bodies: 133
Number of body parts recovered: 130
Bodies that have undergone post-mortem: 181
Body parts that have undergone post-mortem: 130
Bodies handed over to the district administration: 56
Bodies received from Nilambur District Hospital and handed over to relatives: 21
Body parts handed over: 87
Total bodies handed over: 116
Number of people transported from the disaster area to hospitals: 264
People receiving treatment in various hospitals in Wayanad, Kozhikode, and Malappuram districts: 86
People discharged from hospitals: 176
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