Kharge questions PM Modi over not visiting violence-hit Manipur

Kharge points out that PM Narendra Modi has not seen it fit to visit Manipur despite months of violence. RS chairman interjects Kharge saying earlier you used to complain that the PM visits your constituency (Gulbarga, Karnataka).

Kharge responds, I have no problem with him visiting my constituency provided his visits also get some work done there. Kharge says Atal Bihari Vajpayee as PM replied 21 times in the RS but the current PM has chosen to speak only twice and that too only on customary occasions (President's address, etc).

Dhankhar interjects again saying a PM responding to customary occasions is important for the country. Kharge asks Dhankhar to have RS records checked and says there is a difference between a PM replying to issues (like Vajpayee did on 21 occasions) and a PM replying on customary discussions.

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