LIVE: Next Aug 15, from same Red Fort, will list out nation’s progress: Modi

PM greets nation on 77th Independence Day; multi-layered security at Red Fort, and across New Delhi

Update: 2023-08-15 02:05 GMT
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the nation from Red Fort | Image: Twitter/ANI

Addressing the nation from the iconic Red Fort in Delhi on the country's 77th Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday (August 15) exuded confidence that he will address the nation from the Red Fort next year as well to list out the progress on the promises he had made to the people.

“The promise for change brought me here; my performance has brought me here once again. The coming five years are of unprecedented development and a golden moment to realise the dream of India as a developed nation by 2047,” Modi said in his 10th consecutive Independence Day address.

“Next year, on August 15, from this same Red Fort, I will list out the progress achieved by the nation and sing paeans to your strength, your resolve, and your success with greater confidence,” Modi said in his last Independence Day address before the 2024 Lok Sabha polls.

The general elections are scheduled for April-May next year.

Modi said he had made a promise to the nation to usher in change in 2014.

“You reposed your trust in me. I tried to fulfil the trust you reposed in me. The promises I made earned me confidence over the past five years. I had promised you to change through reform, perform, and transform. I have worked hard for the nation and I have worked with pride,” the Prime Minister said.

“India at turning point” 

India is at a decisive turning point and has the strength to shape the new world order that was emerging in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic, he added, assuring countrymen of a “New India” with a bright future in the next five years.

“I can clearly see a new world order, a new geopolitical equation, fast taking shape after COVID-19. I can see the strength of 140 crore Indians in shaping the changing world. You are at a decisive turning point,” he said.

He urged fellow citizens not to lose the opportunity to realise the country’s potential, as the decisions and sacrifices made in this period will impact the country for the next 1000 years. “Today we have demography, democracy, diversity, and this ‘triveni’ (three factors) has the potential to make every dream of India come true,” he said.

During his nearly 90-minute-long address, the Prime Minister also outlined various initiatives taken by his government in the past 10 years, including in the field of the country’s security, women’s empowerment and the welfare of poor and marginalised sections of society. He also mentioned various incidents in the country, including the Manipur violence, and said the situation in the north-eastern state was improving.

On Manipur

He appealed for peace in Manipur. "The country stands with the people of Manipur. Resolution can be found through peace only. The Centre and the State government are making all efforts to find resolution," he said from the ramparts of Red Fort.

Modi also urged the nation to get rid of the three evils of corruption, nepotism, and appeasement to take the nation forward. “Corruption has badly affected India’s capability, and it is the commitment of Modi's life that I will keep fighting against corruption,” he said.

Among others, the Independence Day celebration at the Red Fort was attended by over 2,000 guests comprising ministers, diplomats, members of the US Congressional delegation, 400 sarpanches of the vibrant villages programme, 50 nurses and their families from across India, and 50 exceptional school teachers.

Wishes for nation

Earlier on Tuesday, Modi paid homage to freedom fighters while reaffirming the commitment to fulfilling their vision. "Best wishes on Independence Day. We pay homage to our great freedom fighters and reaffirm our commitment to fulfilling their vision. Jai Hind!" Modi said on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Multi-layered security is in place across Delhi on Tuesday, with more than 10,000 personnel manning the area in and around Red Fort, police said.

Around 1,000 cameras with facial recognition and video analytic systems have been installed in and around the Mughal-era fort and at other strategic locations to ensure security and monitor VVIP movements, they said.

Traffic has also been restricted near the Red Fort till the end of the celebrations.

"Delhi Police is on alert. Elaborate security arrangements have been made, the exercise for which started around three-four months ago. Anti-terror activities have also been done to check the areas in the districts near the venue," Delhi Police spokesperson Suman Nalwa said.

Security tech

Giving details of the technology being used to ensure foolproof security, he said, "AI-based facial recognition CCTV cameras have been installed, while anti-drone technology is also being used for security." "Adequate traffic arrangements have been put in place. The traffic police have also issued an advisory. We urge people to follow the advisory. The borders (of Delhi) have been closed for heavy vehicles from Monday night, while others entering the city are being checked. We are keeping a strict vigil on social media as well," Nalwa said.

The Gyan Path in front of the Red Fort has been decked up with flowers and G20 signage. However, there are no major decorations on the fort's rampart from where the prime minister will address the nation.

The government has invited around 1,800 special guests from across the country to attend the programme. Seventy-five couples from each state and Union Territory, in their traditional attire, have been invited to witness the ceremony.

Sarpanches of vibrant villages, nurses, fisherfolk and labourers engaged in the construction of the Central Vista project are also among the special invitees.

"This year, more than 20,000 officials and civilians are taking part in the Independence Day celebrations. Gyan Path has been decorated with flowers and G20 signage," a police officer said.

(With agency inputs)

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