LIVE | Day 2 in Parliament: Unanimously clear women reservation bill, PM tells Rajya Sabha

Update: 2023-09-18 04:41 GMT
Live Updates - Page 11
2023-09-18 07:26 GMT

Kharge attacks govt over passing of Bills

Kharge points out that instances of Bills being referred to Parliamentary Standing Committees was 71 per cent in the period 2009 to 2014, it fell to 27 per cent in 2014-2019 and is now at an all-time low of 13 per cent since 2019. Today, the government ensures to get laws cleared without discussion and for Parliament sittings to be minimum. This directly leads to bad laws. The farm laws were a prime example of bad laws being pushed through Parliament and this is also the reason why those bad laws led to protests and had to ultimately be withdrawn.

2023-09-18 07:14 GMT

Kharge questions PM Modi over not visiting violence-hit Manipur

Kharge points out that PM Narendra Modi has not seen it fit to visit Manipur despite months of violence. RS chairman interjects Kharge saying earlier you used to complain that the PM visits your constituency (Gulbarga, Karnataka).

Kharge responds, I have no problem with him visiting my constituency provided his visits also get some work done there. Kharge says Atal Bihari Vajpayee as PM replied 21 times in the RS but the current PM has chosen to speak only twice and that too only on customary occasions (President's address, etc).

Dhankhar interjects again saying a PM responding to customary occasions is important for the country. Kharge asks Dhankhar to have RS records checked and says there is a difference between a PM replying to issues (like Vajpayee did on 21 occasions) and a PM replying on customary discussions.

2023-09-18 07:12 GMT

Birla speaks on old Parliament building

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla said the old Parliament building has an "unparalleled" contribution to India's democratic journey as collective decisions were taken for the welfare of the nation.

This House has been a vibrant symbol of the culture of dialogue, he said soon after the Lok Sabha proceedings went underway.

"Our parliament building has been a witness to the historic moment of India's Independence and the entire process of drafting the Constitution. It has also been a witness to the glorious democratic journey of our modern nation," Birla said.

"Over the past 75 years, it took collective decisions for the welfare of the nation amid agreements and disagreements among various parties, passing laws through parliamentary deliberations that brought about socio-economic changes in the lives of the people," Birla said.

Even during the times of crisis and adversity, this House faced them with unity and commitment, the Lok Sabha Speaker said.

Noting that Monday is the final day of proceedings in this chamber, Birla said the contribution of this building "to our country's democratic journey is unparalleled".

"After this day, Parliament's activities will take place in a new building. We will enter the new building with new hopes and new aspirations. I believe that our democracy will achieve newer heights in our new parliament building," he said.

2023-09-18 07:09 GMT

Several historic decisions made in this Parliament building: Modi

2023-09-18 07:08 GMT

Kharge recalls Nehru's words on importance of strong Opposition

Kharge in LS: Nehru ji used to say he is envious of the powers of this House and he never wants these powers curtailed. Nehru ji would say a strong Opposition is necessary for the country. Today, a strong Opposition is met with ED and CBI. Today, the PM doesn't even come to this House and the Leader of the House has to defend and speak on his behalf all the time.

2023-09-18 07:05 GMT

Kharge takes a dig at Modi govt

Kharge in RS: in 1950, when India became a democracy and had its first election, the British and men like Churchill undermined us by saying illiterate people of India will not be able to run the country. They were all proven wrong. Today, some people wonder what happened in 70 years? For 70 years, we ensured democracy functions. When Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru formed his first Cabinet, he included 5 leaders from the Opposition. Nehru kept 5 of his rivals in his Cabinet, he made Syama Prasad the industries minister, and today you cannot even tolerate the shadow of your Opposition leaders.

2023-09-18 07:03 GMT

Kharge quotes Ambedkar

Kharge quotes excerpts from Babasaheb Ambedkar's final address to the Constituent Assembly that credited the Congress for ensuring smooth functioning of the Constituent Assembly and adoption of the Constitution.

2023-09-18 06:47 GMT

Kharge takes a swipe at govt

Kharge recalls the Constituent Assembly debates and how they strived to achieve consensus on important issues. The LoP takes a swipe at the govt, asking who was the Prime Minister during those days (of the Constituent Assembly). Kharge says, the stones and bricks that go in the foundations are not visible when the structure is ready but without those stones and bricks in the foundation, you would never have a structure. It is only after the structure is ready that you can come and put in a new nameplate.

2023-09-18 06:46 GMT

People's trust in the Parliament remains intact: Modi

2023-09-18 06:45 GMT

Parliamentary Panel of Vice Chairpersons reconstituted

Parliamentary Panel of Vice Chairpersons reconstituted with effect from 13 September 2023. Members are - Kanta Kardam, Sumitra Balmik, Mamata Mohanta, Geeta alias Chandraprabha, Akhilesh Prasad Singh, Narain Dass Gupta, V. Vijayasai Reddy and Dr. Santanu Sen, reports ANI


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