Microsoft to block AI rivals from using Bing search index

Microsoft to block AI rivals from using Bing search index

Microsoft has reportedly warned two search engines that use Bing’s search index that it will cut off access to the index if they use it as a foundation for rival AI chatbots.

Microsoft licenses out the Bing search index to several engines including DuckDuckGo, Yahoo and more. According to a Bloomberg report, Microsoft has warned two unnamed search engines that they cannot use the index to feed data to their AI chatbots. If they continue to do so, Microsoft may even terminate their licence. While it is not clear which search engines have been warned, DuckDuckGo introduced its own GPT-based chatbot earlier this month.

Also read: Why Microsoft’s AI-powered Bing could end Google’s search monopoly 

“We’ve been in touch with partners who are out of compliance as we continue to consistently enforce our terms across the board,” Microsoft said in a statement given to Bloomberg. “We’ll continue to work with them directly and provide any information needed to find a path forward.” It’s unclear whether Microsoft took action against any of the search engines.

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