In a clear sign that the government is serious about its Swachh Bharat programme, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday (October 12) started his day with plogging at a beach in Mamallapuram in Tamil Nadu, the venue of his two-day meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Earlier, on September 29, the prime minister in his monthly radio address to the nation – Mann ki baat – introduced plogger Ripu Daman and asked him to explain the concept ‘plogging’ during the session.
Plogging is an activity where jogging is combined with picking up litter on your way as a workout. Lately, the trend has caught up in India with various plogging groups coming up.
“Plogging at a beach in Mamallapuram this morning. It lasted for over 30 minutes. Also handed over my ‘collection’ to Jeyraj, who is a part of the hotel staff. Let us ensure our public places are clean and tidy! Let us also ensure we remain fit and healthy,” the Prime Minister posted on his Twitter handle.
Plogging at a beach in Mamallapuram this morning. It lasted for over 30 minutes.
Also handed over my ‘collection’ to Jeyaraj, who is a part of the hotel staff.
Let us ensure our public places are clean and tidy!
Let us also ensure we remain fit and healthy.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) October 12, 2019
Derived from the Swedish word ‘plocka upp’, plogging is a combination of jogging with picking up litter. It started as a group activity in Sweden a few years back and spread to other countries to curb plastic pollution.
In another set of tweets, the prime minister poster pictures of him taking a leisurely walk on the beach and rolling a wooden acupressure stick sitting on the boulders on the beach.
Refreshing walk and exercises in Mamallapuram, along the scenic coast.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) October 12, 2019