The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on Thursday announced its class 12 results. The overall pass percentage was put at 83.4% nationally. The Thiruvananthapuram region secured the top spot in region-wise pass percentage with 98.2%. Chennai came second with a pass percentage of 92.93% and it was followed by Delhi at 91.87%.
To check the results: Log on to
Click on Senior School Certificate Examination ( Class XII ) 2019. Enter your Roll No, School No, Centre No, Admit Card ID (as given on Admit Card) and click on ‘Submit’ button. The next page will bring up the results.
Prime Minster Narendra Modi congratulated all the winners.
Congratulations to all my young friends who have successfully passed the CBSE Class XII examinations. My best wishes to them for their endeavours. Kudos also to their parents and teachers for the valuable support.
— Chowkidar Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) May 2, 2019