Aggressive contact tracing campaign in J&K to contain spread of coronavirus

By :  Agencies
Update: 2020-04-02 06:46 GMT
A senior official said a total of 100 CAPF companies have been ordered to be withdrawn "immediately" on Wednesday. File photo: PTI

An aggressive contact tracing campaign is underway in Jammu and Kashmir to contain the spread of coronavirus with nearly 2000 contacts of positive cases identified so far, officials said.

Hot spots have been isolated and sealed and all movements in those areas have been fully restricted, the officials said.

On Wednesday, chief secretary, BVR Subhramanyam, directed all Deputy Commissioners to carry out aggressive contact tracing campaign and to put all such persons under quarantine after taking their samples as per health protocol.

The chief secretary also asked them to further minimize movement on roads in order to contain the spread of coronavirus. They said tight curbs have been put in place across the valley to minimize the movement of the people in order to contain the spread of the infection.

Most of the roads in the valley have been sealed off and barriers erected at several places by security forces to check the unwanted movement of the people and to enforce the lockdown for containing the spread of the coronavirus infection, the officials said.

Markets across the valley have been shut and public transport was off the roads with only pharmacies and groceries allowed to open, the officials said.

Educational institutions across Kashmir have been closed, while all public places including gymnasiums, parks, clubs and restaurants have been shut down more than a week before the nationwide lock down announced by the Prime Minister.

While the Prime Minister announced the country-wide lockdown on the evening of March 24, the union territory administration here had on March 22 announced a lockdown across Jammu and Kashmir till 31 March as part of its efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

The administration said essential services including healthcare personnel have been exempted from the restrictions. Restrictions were first imposed in many parts of the valley on March 19 to contain the spread of the virus infection. The measures were taken after a 67-year-old woman from Khanyar area of the city, who had returned on 16 March from Saudi Arabia after performing Umrah, tested positive for COVID-19 infection.

The total number of positive cases in the union territory has gone up to 62, which includes 50 cases in the valley. Two patients both from the valley — have succumbed, while two one each Kashmir and Jammu — have recovered.


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