Recovery from COVID-19 and terms of discharge all over world

With China reporting the recovery of coronavirus patients and ease in restrictions after 76 days of lockdown, the nation has also released new protocols to be followed by the discharged patients while at home.

Update: 2020-04-09 18:30 GMT
A COVID patient in Singapore | Photo: PTI

With China reporting the recovery of coronavirus patients and ease in restrictions after 76 days of lockdown, the nation has also released new protocols to be followed by the discharged patients while at home.

Re-testing, follow-up visits by doctors and health monitoring are some of the rules to be followed by recovered patients.

They are also required to stay in isolation for up to 14 days, check their temperatures and should note any changes in respiratory symptoms. According to some reports, several recovered patients can also again test positive for COVID-19.

Further, China has now reported a rise in asymptomatic cases of coronavirus.

Experts and scientists have now set their eyes on China to observe how the disease progresses or wanes in the country.

While China’s National Health Commission (NHC) has noted that the diagnosis and treatment plans will be constantly adjusted according to the changing dynamics of the outbreak, the steps taken by it will be key takeaways for the remaining world in tackling the pandemic.

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As of now, COVID-19 patients in China are considered cure, if they are not having fever for more than three days, have improved respiratory symptoms, reduced inflammation and their nucleic acid tests for respiratory tract pathogen test negative twice consecutively with a sampling interval of at least 24 hours.

Discharge policy in India

In India, according to the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), the COVID-19 suspect is monitored for 14 days after which the laboratory results should come negative for the discharge of the person.

However, for a coronavirus positive person, after two of the patient’s specimen test negative withing 24 hours, evidence of chest radiographic clearance and viral clearance in respiratory samples is proved, the patient is discharged.

Discharge policy in Italy

A person is considered cured after symptoms subside and test outcome for SARS-CoV-2 with a 24-hour interval is negative.

For those who recover earlier than 7 days, the Italian Health Ministry recommends an interval of seven days between the first and the final test.

For those under home quarantine or asymptomatic, after a negative SARS-CoV-2 test done 14 days since the quarantine started, the patient may be considered free from the virus.

Discharge policy in Singapore

If the patient is not having a fever for 24 hours, two of his/her respiratory samples have testes negative by PCR after at least six days of the onset of illness, he/she is considered cured.

Although, they will be followed up by daily wellness calls.

Discharge policy in the US

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US Center for Disease Control (CDC) notes that while the decision to discharge a patient is taken on a case-by-case basis, broadly the decision may be supported by negative rRT-PCR results from two consecutive sets of nasopharyngeal and throat swabs collected at least 24 hours apart (total four negative samples) along with a resolution of fever and an improvement in signs of illness and symptoms as reported by Indian Express.

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDPC) notes that the existing capacity of the healthcare system, laboratory diagnostic resources, and the current epidemiological situation should be considered when deciding on criteria for hospital discharge of COVID-19 patients.


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