Telangana government earns Rs 43 lakh in auction of fancy numbers

“Some people make sure their lucky numbers are in their vehicle registration number,” an official said, adding 9999, 0001, 0007 and 0009 are hot picks for many

Update: 2024-05-22 10:59 GMT
Telangana's Road Transport Authority made a killing auctioning fancy registration numbers of vehicles. One car owner paid Rs 25 lakh for a '9999' number. Picture for representation only

With the new TG registration plates coming into use, Telangana’s transport department has earned Rs 43.70 lakh through the auction and sale of fancy numbers. A car owner paid Rs 25.5 lakh to get the number '9999' for his vehicle, Telangana Road Transport Authority officials said on Tuesday.

Hyderabad auction

Hyderabad Joint Transport Commissioner C Ramesh said '9999' was taken for the highest bid amount during the auction for fancy numbers. The car owner paid Rs 25,50,002 for the number plate 'TG-09 9999' for his high-end vehicle.

As many as 11 people participated in the auction for '9999' on Monday.

Record amount

"So far this is the highest bid amount for a fancy number, which is a record in Telangana," one official told PTI. In August last year, the '9999' number had fetched Rs 21.6 lakh.

Anyone interested in a fancy number can reserve it by paying Rs 50,000 and participate in the bidding if there are more bidders.

New registration

The Congress government in Telangana had in March this year changed the vehicle registration code to TG from TS. In March, the first TG number plate TG 09 0001 was bought for Rs.9.61 lakh.

Registration number TG 09A 0006 was sold for Rs 2.76 lakh, TG 09 A 0005 fetched Rs 1,80,200, TG 09 A 0019 earned Rs 1,20,019 and TG 09 A 0009 fetched Rs.1,10,009 in the auction.

Lucky numbers

“We know that some people make sure that their lucky numbers are in their vehicle registration number,” one official said.

The officials say that 9999, 0001, 0007 and 0009 continue to be hot picks for vehicle owners.
(This story first appeared in The Federal Telangana)


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