HC denies bail to 3 PFI members, says outfit wanted to transform India into Islamic nation

Justices Ajey Gadkari and Shyam Chandak also found prima facie evidence against Razi Ahmed Khan, Unais Umar Khaiyyam Patel and Kayyum Abdul Shaikh

Update: 2024-06-12 06:29 GMT
Saying they wanted to make India an Islamic country by 2047, the Bombay High Court has denied bail to three members of the outlawed Popular Front of India. File photo

The Bombay High Court has denied bail to three Popular Front of India (PFI) members, saying they "conspired to transform India into an Islamic country by 2047" and use criminal force to overawe the government.

While hearing the case on Tuesday (June 11), Justices Ajey Gadkari and Shyam Chandak also found prima facie evidence against Razi Ahmed Khan, Unais Umar Khaiyyam Patel and Kayyum Abdul Shaikh.

They Indian government outlawed the PFI in 2022.

Vision 2047 document

"The First Information Report is self-eloquent,” the judges said.

“They conspired to transform India into an Islamic country by 2047. They are not only propagators but actively intending to implement the Vision-2047 document of their organisation.”

The accused also incited like-minded persons to join them to overawe the Indian government by use of criminal force, the court pointed out.

Acting against India

"There is overwhelming evidence to demonstrate that the appellants in connivance with other accused persons have systematically undertaken activities detrimental to the interest and integrity of the nation."

The accused persons shared a document on social media groups titled 'Vision - 2047', the court said.

"Perusal of (the) document indicates that it is a sinister plot and design to transform India into an Islamic State by adopting all possible methods mentioned therein.”

Religious hatred

The court maintained there was prima facie evidence against them.

According to the prosecution, the accused had an aim to foster hatred towards other religions and the government and to create divisions among Indians.

It is alleged that the accused held various meetings to create hatred in the mind of Muslims and to instigate them to wage a war against the Indian government.

Attacks on Muslims

Meanwhile, Maharashtra's Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) had lodged a case against the PFI members for criminal conspiracy as well as promoting enmity between religious groups.

The prosecution said that in June 2022, the accused and several others attended a secret meeting during which they highlighted "atrocities" committed on Muslims in India including incidents of mob-lynching.

The meeting reportedly emphasised that Muslims needed to unite to "wage a war against the country by adopting any mode".
(With inputs from agencies)

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