Take a cue from UK parliamentary rules: Congress MP Tankha

Congress's Rajya Sabha MP Vivek Tankha suggests that Parliament take a cue from the parliamentary rules and laws of the United Kingdom (UK) which provide for a minimum sitting of 100 days a year. Tankha says the UK system also provides that of these 100 days, the Opposition is allowed to decide the business of Parliament for 30 days, while the largest party and second largest party are allowed 3 days each to decide the business of the House.
Tankha says if the Indian Parliament adopts a similar system, the scope for disruption will be reduced drastically. Tankha also suggests that the current system wherein only the government has the right to recommend to the President to convene a Parliament session should be changed and similar powers should be vested in the Opposition too.
Update: 2023-09-18 11:50 GMT

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