Security provisions that Bill entails

“I have already told the Health Secretary that the routes on which nurses and female doctors travel should be covered. For this, I have sanctioned Rs 120 crores. CCTV cameras will be installed everywhere, where there is no toilet, it will be arranged... We have also made a provision of 'Ratri Saathi', which states that women will do 12 hours duty, and if needed, doctors will extend their duty... We have done this for the safety of women. Women working at night will be given full security, we have also asked hospitals, schools, mid-day meal centres to take appropriate steps. From here, after passing this Bill, it will go to the Governor, after passing from him, it will go to the President and after her approval, it will be historic. Every state will make it a model. The prime minister could not do this, so we are doing this," says Bengal CM.

Update: 2024-09-03 09:08 GMT

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