TN civic polls: Heads of local bodies elected indirectly

TN civic polls: Heads of local bodies elected indirectly

Following the rural local body elections conducted on December 27 and 30, 2019, the elected members of District panchayats, union ward members and Panchayat ward members on Saturday ( January 11) elected heads through indirect elections.

The elected members of three-tier local bodies on January 11 chose the heads of their respective local-self governments.

The direct election to the local bodies were held in Tamil Nadu on December 27 and 30, 2019.

Out of 27 district panchayats, heads for 26 were elected. Election in Sivaganga was withheld due to lack of quorum (less number of members present) and postponed to another date. The AIADMK secured 13 district panchayat president posts, the DMK, 12, and PMK one.

AIADMK got seven district vice-president posts; DMK got 11; PMK 3; BJP and Congress 2 each; and DMDK one.

Elections to 12 union panchayats had been withheld due to law and order issues, lack of quorum in 13 unions, and due to election officers’ health issues in 2.

Excluding these 27 unions, indirect elections were held to elect union councillors in the remaining 287 union panchayats. AIADMK secured 140 seats; DMK 125; PMK 7; Congress 5; BJP and CPI 3 each; and AMMK 2. Independent candidates won in 2 seats.

For the post of 314 vice-presidents in union panchayats, elections were withheld in 41 unions due to quorum loss. In the remaining 273 posts, AIADMK got 94 seats; DMK 107; PMK 19; Congress 8; DMDK 7; AMMK 5; BJP 4; CPI 3; and SDPI one seat. Independent candidates won in 25 seats.The elected members of three-tier local bodies on January 11 chose the heads of their respective local-self governments.

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