Ramzan helpline to reach out to faithful, doctors to give tips on keeping healthy
Activated in the month of Ramzan each year, the famous Ramzan helpline in the state capital has included doctors on its panel besides religious leaders this time to answer health-related queries of rozedars in view of spread of coronavirus.
The helpline run by the Islamic Centre of India was set up to answer queries of “rozedars” (those keeping fasts) including timings of Iftar and Sehri, and importance of the month of Ramzan. It also gives religious advice on the basis of Shariat.
With the spread of coronavirus, there are many health-related queries of those keeping fasts. The helpline has roped in doctors this time to guide people on maintaining immunity and staying healthy.
The helpline will function from 2pm to 4 pm from Friday – the day the month of Ramzan starts. “Our helpline, which not only gets calls from the state and entire country but also from abroad, will this year have doctors too,” Chairman Islamic Centre of India, Maulana Khalid Rashid Farangi Mahali told PTI.
“We will try to make rozedars understand as to how to increase their immunity. As they will be fasting the entire day, its necessary that their immune system remains strong, especially in the current scenario when coronavirus has spread across the world,” he said. “What to eat and what not to eat during Iftar and Sehri is important to know for building a strong immune system,” he said.
Maulana Khalid Rashid, who is also Imam of Aishbagh Eidgah, said that Darul Uloom Farangi Mahal has already appealed to Muslims to stay inside their homes and offer namaz keeping in mind the pandemic. “I have asked all to stay inside and offer namaz at homes. As there will be no Iftar parties, we have asked people that if they have fund for such parties they can distribute it among the needy or help them in whatever way they can,” he said.
“We will be clearing doubts of people, if any, regarding lockdown as it should be followed by remaining inside. It is important for health of everyone and to check spread of coronavirus,” he said.
Elaborating on the helpline, the Maulana said, “During the month of Ramzan there are a number of queries that come to the minds of people. Through the helpline, they can easily get their answers from our panel, including me. This year our doctors will also be there as health-related queries and doubts are expected to be more this time due to coronavirus.”
The helpline was started in 2002 by Mulana Ahmad Miya Farangi Mahali, father of Maulana Khalid Rashid to answer the queries of “rozedars” “This is a unique helpline for giving the Deeni (religious) guidance. It gives advice on basis of Shariat….We are available of phone, WhatsApp and also e-mail to answer queries,” he said.
People can call 9335929670, 9415102947, 7007705774 and 9140427677, visit website “http://www.farangimahal.in”www.farangimahal.in or e-mail to “mailto:ramzanhelpline2005@gmail.com”ramzanhelpline2005@gmail.com, he added.
Due to the pandemic, this time ramzan calendars have not been published yet but the helpline will take care of it. “People largely rely on these calendars. This time ICI will give the information regarding exact timings of sehri and iftar also through its helpline,” the Maulana added.