India will talk non-violence but also carry a stick: RSS chief

India will talk non-violence but also carry a stick: RSS chief

India will continue to advocate non-violence but will also carry the stick, as the world only understands power, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has said.

Addressing a gathering of saints in Haridwar, Bhagwat said Swami Vivekananda and Maharshi Aurobindo’s dream of India will be realised in only 10 or 15 years.

“You spoke about 20-25 years, but if we increase our speed, I say 10-15 years. In that period, we will see… the India that Swami Vivekananda and Maharshi Aurobindo had imagined,” Bhagwat said at the event on Wednesday.

“Everything will not be achieved at once. I do not have the power at all…it is with people. They have the control. When they are ready, everyone’s behaviour changes. We are preparing them; you also do it. We will walk together as an example, without fear. We will talk about non-violence, but we will walk with a stick. And that stick will be a heavy one.

“We have no ill-will, no enmity with anyone. The world only understands power. We should have strength, and it should be visible.

Bhagwat said Hindu Rashtra is nothing but Sanatan Dharma. “The objectives of religion are the objectives of India. Swami Vivekananda had said religion is India’s life…. India’s progress is not possible without the progress of religion. Sanatan Dharma is only Hindu Rashtra. The progress of India is assured,” he said.

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