Mexican President proposes panel for global truce, led by Modi, Pope Francis, UN chief
The Mexican president said it is evident that innocent lives are being lost and so all have to make an effort to achieve peace.

Mexican President proposes panel for global truce, led by Modi, Pope Francis, UN chief

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has said that he will propose to the United Nations for constituting a commission, comprising Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Pope Francis and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, aimed at stopping war and seeking a truce of at least five years to ensure world peace.

Speaking to the press on Monday (August 8), Obrador said he hopes that the governments of Russia, China and the US, the three great powers, will pay heed and accept an intermediation like the one he is proposing.

He proposed that the commission will comprise Prime Minister Modi, UN Secretary General Guterres and Pope Francis and they will meet and present a proposal soon to stop the war everywhere.

According to information on his official website, Obrador said the truce of five years will ensure that governments of the whole world dedicate themselves to supporting their people, especially those who are suffering the most from the war and from the effects of the war.

He said through such action there will be five years without tensions, without violence and with peace. He said he agrees with what the Secretary General of the UN has raised that countries must stop military confrontation, must opt for dialogue and not the use of force.

The Mexican president said it is evident that innocent lives are being lost and so all have to make an effort to achieve peace.

(With inputs from agencies)

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