Jalandhar NIT to recruit 105 non-faculty staff; March 1 last date
Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, has invited online applications on the prescribed format for the recruitment to the posts of Technical Assistant (23), SAS Assistant (1), Junior Engineer (3), Senior Stenographer (2), Stenographer (2), Senior Assistant (6), Senior Technician (13), Technician (26), Junior Assistant (13), and Office Attendant (16).
The syllabus and selection process for each category of posts can be accessed at following link — https://www.nitj.ac.in/index.php/nitj_cinfo/pages/813
Eligibility criteria
Detailed educational qualification, experience and other criteria for selection to non-faculty positions shall be as per Recruitment Rules-2019. Candidates are advised to carefully go through the details of posts and instructions before applying. The trade/field/subject mentioned specifically for particular department shall only be considered for the respective department. The appropriate trade in ITI/ relevant field in diploma/relevant subject in B.E/BTech etc for technical cadre posts in various departments as per the Recruitment Rules-2019 can be accessed at following link:
Last date for submission
Online applications may be uploaded till 12.00 midnight on 01/03/2023, the link for the same will be activated on the institute website www.nitj.ac.in on 01/02/2023. The candidates need to apply online only. No hard copy of the application form is required to be sent to the institute.
Separate online application forms is to be filed for each post. Applicants are advised to apply well in time before the last date of submission of online application forms as to avoid any rush at the closing date. The institute will not entertain any request regarding non-submission of the online application form.